Why Chico Oaks?
The Seventh-day Adventist school in Chico was established in 1905 to provide high-quality Christian education to the children in our community. Over the years, the name and location have changed, but our purpose has not.
Christ Centered
The most important thing we do here at Chico Oaks is to help students grow in their love for Jesus. Although we don’t have easy ways to measure that growth or quantify it in numbers, we do see it every day. It is the result of our focus, as Protestant Christians, on making Christ the center of all we do, not just the topic of Bible class.
- The Bible is our inerrant guide for beliefs and behavior.
- Developing Christian character is the purpose of not only our weekly chapels, but all our classroom interactions.
- The focus of our Bible classes is to nurture each student’s relationship with God.
- We practice Christian service through organized activities in our neighborhood and community.
- Our teachers take seriously their responsibilities as Christian role models for our students. And our parents tell us how much they appreciate the warm, human, Christian example of our teachers and staff.
- Luke 2:52 states, “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” We look to Christ as the greatest example for us all and have our students memorize weekly Bible texts and apply them to all aspects of life.
Academically Proven
Quality education is something all parents look for, but it is sometimes hard to quantify. Here are some indicators we think might help you in evaluating the education your child will receive at Chico Oaks Adventist School.
- All teachers hold bachelors' or masters' degrees and participate in an ongoing inservice program to remain current with educational advancements and issues.
- Your child will benefit from the individualized instruction and more personal attention that our low student/teacher ratio allows. Our classrooms are limited to 25 students or fewer.
- Our school is accredited by:
- National Council for Private School Accreditation
- North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, Office of Education.
- Our Christian curriculum is accredited by the Northern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. It includes class work in all the major subject areas: Reading, Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Bible, Computer Education, Physical Education, Art and Music.
- Textbooks are selected from well-known, national publishers such as Houghton-Mifflin, Ginn, Scott Foresman and Macmillan/McGraw-Hill.
- Our academic program is proven, with students in Adventist schools continuing on through college and post-graduate education at rates more than double of students in other school systems.
Technology is integrated into learning as is age-appropriate for each grade.
Character Focused
With Christ at the center of our school we focus on building character traits that both equip our students for this world and help prepare them for the world to come. We recognize that when we are rooted in Christ great things occur in and out of our classrooms.
Our core values permeate our interactions: between students, between students and teachers, amongst teachers, and between teachers and parents.
- Respect
- Integrity
- Emotional Intelligence
- Grit
Click here for more information on how we define our core values and and how they apply in our school.
Well-rounded Co-curriculars
Art -- Art is incorporated into the core curricula in kindergarten. In grades 1-8 students learn about and practice multiple art media from our credentialed art teacher.
Music -- Research documents the benefits of music on brain development and learning in other academic areas. Our music program starts in grades K-2 with classroom music. Our third and fourth graders learn to play the ukulele. And grades 5-8 have both band and choral music performance classes.
Experiential Learning -- Grades K-4 all learn through multiple local field trips that complement their academic subjects. Grades 5-8 benefit from hands-on learning during week-long outdoor education programs in the mountains, at the ocean and during an Oregon trail wagon trip.
Leadership -- As a small school we have the flexibility to encourage our older students in leadership through their regular, intentional interactions with students in younger grades. And all of our students develop Christian character through serving others in our community.
Click here for more information on how co-curriculars improve learning for all students.
Safe and Supportive School Environment
- Our school environment is safe physically and emotionally. Students can concentrate on learning without other distractions.
- Our teachers are personally and professionally committed to leading students on the spiritual path to becoming servant-leaders dedicated to God's calling.
You, as parents, will be informed and involved in your child's education - through online access to grades, regularly scheduled parent/teacher conferences, a weekly newsletter, notes and phone calls. In addition, parents are welcome to make appointments to visit, or volunteer in, the classrooms throughout the school year.
- We believe that:
"In the formation of character, no other influence counts as much as the influence of the home. The teacher's work should supplement that of the parents, but it is not to take its place. In all that concerns the well being of the child, it should be the effort of parents and teachers to cooperate." Education, p. 283
- Our families work together to make our school great and in the process create a profound sense of community. Parents and students become life-long friends.
Click here for more information on our elective options.
Why Adventist Education?
As an Adventist Christian school we are focused on helping students grow, not only academically, but in all the aspects of their lives. This mindset is shaped by Jesus' example in Luke 2:52, "And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man."
Growing Spiritually
The most important thing we do here at Chico Oaks is to help students grow in their love for Jesus. Although we don't have easy ways to measure that growth or quantify it in numbers, we do see it every day. It is the result of our focus, as Protestant Christians, on making Christ the center of all we do, not just the topic of Bible class. It is the result of choosing the Bible as our guide for beliefs and behavior. It is the result providing experiences to practice Christian service. To experience how our program and teachers nurture spiritual growth, call to set up a visit and Education Success Consult.
Growing Academically
Students in Adventist schools benefit academically from our breadth of experience in education and our priority for putting God first. We experience God's promise that when we "seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, all these things will be added to you." (Matthew 6:33) And that experience has been documented by research.
Students in Adventist schools outperform. In a three-year study of 51,000+ students in Adventist schools across the nation (kindergarten through high school), researched found they outperformed the national average. At all grade levels. In schools of all sizes. And in all subjects.
Students in Adventist schools overachieve. Additionally, researchers compared student performance on standardized tests with what would be predicted based on their Cognitive Abilities Test scores, and found they performed above what would be predicted.
Students in Adventist schools gain even more with time. One of the most dramatic findings is that students who transferred to Adventist schools saw a marked improvement in test scores. Furthermore, the longer students are in Adventist schools, the better their achievements and abilities.
Growing Physically
Healthy bodies make for healthy brains, as plenty of research demonstrates. So our approach includes learning how to make wise choices in exercise, plenty of sleep, healthy eating and more. Practicing healthy living is another way we honor God by treating our bodies as the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19).
Growing Socially
God's plan for each of us includes helping and serving others. As we interact with each other here at school and as we practice service in our community, we are guided by Paul’s words, “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” (Ephesians 4:2) While we are not perfect, we are constantly aiming to be more Christ-like with each other and to serve our community. Come see how this influences our students with a visit to our campus.